White Papers
Canoil Canada’s point of difference is our technical support. In addition to consultants who will work with you via teleconference and site visits, Canoil makes available a number of technical white papers to assist everyone in the fields we service.
- Grease Lubrication of Motor Operated Valves –A Sustainable Approach for the Nuclear Industry and Beyond
- Grease Lubrication of MOV Components
- MOV LL and Extra Comparative Data Explanation
- Green and Cost Saving Advantages for MOV Long Life Greases
- Green and Cost Saving Advantages for VSG ‘The Green Grease’
- MUG-MOV LL Stem Grease Wear Testing
- MUG-Commercial Grade Dedication-and in service MOV LL Grease Testing
- MUG-Semifluid Grease for Oil Filled MOVs
- MUG-MOV LL Grease; A Decade Later – Approvals and Lessons Learnt
- MUG-MOV Stem Grease Wear Testing Update
- Understanding Low Temperature MOV Greases
- What You Need to Know About Grease and Oil Compatibility Testing
- Advantages VSG the GREEN Grease
- Apparent Viscosity VSG 1
- Some Advantages of the Canola Oil used in ‘VSG’ Wicket Gate Grease
- Advantages of VSG Lubrication over Retrofitted “Greaseless” Bearings
- HQ specification PAEM 89501 comparison to VSG 1
- Keeping Greasing Systems Trouble Free
- All In One Grease An Update on MOV LL
- MUG 2004 MOV LL Limit Switch Applications
- MUG-2005 MOV LL Condition Monitoring Tests
- MUG-2006 Condition Monitoring Update
- MUG-Presentation List 2003 to 2019
- OH specification M-652-84 comparison to VSG 1
- Question & Answers VSG
- Vane Spindle Grease Wicket Gate Lubrication Frequency
- Wicket Gate Lubrication Guidlines
- Salt Fog Corrosion Test Results VSG
- TechdataVSG-1
- TechdataVSG-2
- Grease Dropping Point Explanation and Specifications
- TVA Specification UW-3 Comparison
- VSG Brochure
- VSG – tests explained
- VSG 1 stability with water
- MOV Grease Brochure
- EPRI Lube Note MOV and Grease References for Canoil
- EPRI Lube Notes References for Canoil
- VSG versus H1 Food Grade Greases
- Canoil Turbofluid EHC Fluid Annual Testing Program
- Suggested Phosphate Ester Control Fluid Test Schedule
- Managing the Health of Fire Resistant Steam Turbine Electrohydraulic (EHC) Control Oils
- 100,000 hours of service Reolube 46 XC
- Q&A EHC Fluid Canoil
- TF Suggested Test Schedule Alstom Feb 2018 – Canoil
- TF Suggested Test Schedule May 2017 GE NEIP
- TF Suggested Test Schedule May 2017 GE W NEIP
- TN Canoil Turbofluid Testing Advantages
- TN GE EHC Purification System Flow Rates
- Turbofluid Test Explained Canoil
- Canoil TF46XC Test Report – example
- Condition-Monitoring of Phosphate Ester Hydraulic Fluids – Machinery Lubrication
- EPRI Lube Notes References for Canoil K. Brown
- EPRI Lube Notes References for Canoil
- Explain Fire Resistance tests – ECO
- GE Technical Information Letters Steam Turbine EHC Systems